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Compared to hair of non-African descent, African-American/Black hair is typically more brittle, coarser, drier, and curlier (nappy). Because of this, a Caucasian would treat his or her hair differently from an African, whose hair is more fragile and requires more care.

African-American Hair Care Advice
Hair will be healthier as a result of a healthy lifestyle.
Regular scalp massages will increase oil production, which will help lessen your hair's dryness.
Since ethnic hair is dryer than other types of hair and shampooing takes your hair of its natural oils, it is not advised to shampoo your hair every day. Instead, consider shampooing your hair once every three to seven days.
It is advised to only sometimes use shampoo if you engage in everyday activities that make you perspire; nevertheless, if you feel the need to use shampoo, feel free to choose a light one.
When washing your hair, use a gentle moisturising shampoo with a low PH level.


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